More Sascha Stuff

This is all good stuff though.

So Rich bought a Walky Dog.  This contraption fits to the seat on your bike and connects to the dog.  Then you can ride your bike and the dog can walk or run beside you.  We had seen a video of a lady using this device to walk her Husky.  It looks simple.

Big question for us was…Would Sascha drag the bike with her when she took off after a squirrel on the ride?  Won’t know until you try.  So Rich ordered one.  It arrived on Thursday during the day.  That night was rainy and cold.  But Rich just had to know if it would work or not.  So out into the cold, rainy night he went with Sascha.

I guess it works though.  Sascha is very worried about the bike and occasionally runs into the pedal, but she loves the fact that she can run.  I guess it does work.  We’ll have to report back on what happens when she sees something that she feels she has to chase. 

I was at the Jewel grocery shopping when I saw a husky hat!  I’ve seen them but didn’t know where to get one.  Yeah, I know, I can order one from the Internet.  But exactly was I going to get.  I saw this hanging in the drug store side of the store.  It was exactly like the one that Bob, the sled team guy, was wearing last February.  Yes!  I had to have it no matter what.

So I got home with the hat and put it on.  Sascha comes running up and puts her paw on my chest.  I guess Bob always wore that Husky hat when he took the dog out for a sled run.  Sascha thought for sure she was going scootering today. 

Sounds silly to need a Husky hat, but now I have one and I feel like a Husdky too!

Walky Dog works with Sascha
Rich taking Sascha for a run using the Walky Dog attachment on his bike. Once she got used to the bike next to her, she was off and running.

Sascha cooling down


Husky hat
The Husky rescue people had these hats that they wear for events. Bob, the sled team driver for Sascha’s old team had one like this.


Stunning bonnet
See, the Husky hat looks absolutely fabulous on.


Sascha was needing a lap.
Last night, Sascha was trying very hard to find a lap to sit in. No one was helping. Finally, Rich came in and let her sit in his lap. Thanks, Rick.