Sascha walking Joy

So I’ve been dying to try out my helmet cam on a walk with Sascha.  I was hoping the video would be cool.  I got a chance a few days back. And yes, the video turned out great.  Then I spent a couple of days under the weather and didn’t get a chance to get the video edited. 

Today, I decided to brave through and got busy on the editing.  I should say I got Rick to help me out and got a product that I could post to my blog site.  Believe me, it needed editing.  I took video of an entire 20 minute walk.  Can you say boring?  Well, the end product is still boring, but it definitely shows the wide angle of the camera. 

Unfortunately, the audio is lowq on this sample.  I forgot to boost it when I rendered out the video.  One of those little things I’ll have to remember to work on.  I do give some commentary on the walk and give Sascha the appropriate commands for her turns and to leave that squirrel alone (on by)!

I said I took Sascha for a walk, but it was more like Sascha tried to take me for a run!