Can you say “Outside Dog” today?

Wow, two days in a row.  I usually have a hard time coming up with something.  Thursday is my second day of the week to work at home.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are the only days I actually get any work done.  I always seem like I’m away from desk or being asked to do something when I’m in the office.

So this blog isn’t about me, but about Sascha.  It’s a Sascha blog again! 

Today was 34 with a good stiff wind, which made the wind chill down to 29.  I thought it was a little brisk to be outside, but Sascha didn’t.  I put her out for her usual 8:00 look around the yard.  Only today, she didn’t want in.  

I kept checking on her to be sure I didn’t miss her request to come in.  Since she doesn’t bark, I wouldn’t know when she expect the door to open for her.  I would look out the kitchen window, but she was lying in the sun.  Not just in one place either.  She moved all over the yard.

Finally, I broke for lunch and had to go out and make her come in.  She was cold on the outside, but so warm when you ran your hands into her fur.  How did she do that?  Probably those hollow hairs that are not unlike a polar bear’s fur.  My Siberian Collie was quite warm out.  I was the one who was cold watching her!

So after lunch, she went back out for another two and a half hours.  She only gave it up because I decided to take her for a much needed walk.  Sascha goes outside when she gets stir crazy being in the house too much.  The walk is to wear off some energy.  A tired husky is a good husky.  Read in between the lines here:  A tired husky is a non-destructive husky.  Only Sascha has yet to destroy anything.  I don’t give the opportunity.

So on the walk around the neighbor, Sascha is pulling at the end of the lead.  I should say this more of a pull around the neighborhood and not a walk.  She has the instinct to pull so much, she tries to pull me.  That’s why she loves the scooter so much.  She can run and pull.  These are just some of her favorite things!

From start to finish, she is gasping for air and sounding like a bad asthmatic.  I tell her if she stops pulling, she could breath.  She doesn’t believe me yet.  She’ll figure out that I’m right some day.  Like with Rick, Mom can’t possibly be right.  We’ll see though.

We get back to the house and I’m frozen.  My head is warm because I wore a hat, but my legs are chilled to the bone.  I make hot tea and settle into the big red chair to warm up before I go back to work.  Sascha gives me the big sad eyes and puts one paw on my lap.  That’s the start you know.  One paw, two paws, the whole dog.  She curls up beside me.  I finish my tea and let her know it’s time to get down.  She’s not happy, but there is a patch of sunshine to lie in. 

I saw a funny picture about that from a Facebook friend.  There is a strip of sunshine on the floor and about 5 or 6 dogs in a line taking up space in it.  The caption reads: “Death Ray.”  Yeah, mine looks dead when she’s stretched out there, too!

Rich came home and Sascha remained under the bed.  I had changed out of my comfy slippers into jeans so we could go out to eat tonight.  Sascha dove under the bed to escape capture and forcible detention in her crate.  Like I said, I don’t give her the opportunity to be destructive.  If I’m not home, she’s not free.  She finally came out with some coaxing to tell Rich hello.  She climbed into his lap to share her warmth. 

I had the chore of getting her down and into her crate.  She was not happy and expected Rich to stop me.  However, he was hungry and quite willing for her to go to her crate this evening.  Maybe there will be a reward tonight for good behavior.  Wait, I don’t have any popcorn in the house! 

Nothing much, but a couple of funny things to share.  Good-night, Sascha.