Harnessing the power of a dog

Yesterday, I received the mushing harnesses and towlines in the mail.  Gary had given me the name of a place in Minnesota where I could order a harness for Sascha.  After getting her measurements, I called and talked to Shilon at Black Ice Dog Sledding.  Thanks for making the ordering so easy!

Sascha wearing her harness
Sascha wearing her harness

Today, I did tested the harness on Sascha.  She got so excited when she saw it.  She knows what the harness means.  She stepped up and I put it on her. 

It seemed to fit really well.  I’m going to have Gary confirm the fit on Sunday when we attend the urban mushing class.  The harness is red to match my scooter and I had reflected tape added so people can see us. That’s the flash on the side that you see.

It’s funny, but Rich was yelling Hike (which means go) and Sascha turns and looks at him like he’s crazy.  She knows she can’t run in the house.  Mom will yell at her again!  

Sascha walking in her new booties
Sascha walking in her new booties

I also ordered a set of booties for her feet.  They were all felt, so I’m not sure how they will work in the snow and ice and rocks.  We’ll have to see.  Rick and I put them on her and you could tell right away that she’s worn booties before.  She didn’t try to shake them off or walk too funny.  She was cute.

The scooter people said that they were still working on getting the frame painted.  Hopefully, we hear something by early next week.  After I finish my class, I feel like I’ll need to practice.  You know that practice, practice, practice makes perfect!  I’ll be a long way from perfect for a while.

Darn blog!  I’m going to have to figure out how to make this thing do what I want.  Conform to my will!  OK, I’ll try something else tomorrow.

One response to “Harnessing the power of a dog”

  1. You have the coolest dog ever!
    I remember putting booties on Baby Dog and laughing so hard I had to gasp for air because she looked so silly trying to walk with them on.