Back in the saddle again

So I’ve almost put in a full week at work.  My mind isn’t quite ready to accept the fact that I’m sitting at a desk and not out walking around a forested area somewhere.  It seems unreal.  I know I’ll get used to it.  I just don’t want to.

My minions did very well without me.  This was the first year I truly monitored email and didn’t just in to do anything.  They have all gained enough experience to move forward without me.  Like Beth said, ‘The Taos Plan is in effect!”  That means I could retire and move to Taos, NM and the department would be able to continue to operate.  That’s all I wanted.

I have an intern that I was able to bring in this summer.  I was hoping to give someone experience in the Technical Writing field.  There just aren’t that many people willing to share what they do for a living in this field.  How are others going to know what it is and keep it alive!  Candyce is working out well so far.  I’m hoping to give her a project and start making progress.

I had things I was supposed to say here, but I didn’t write them down.  Darn, that’s why I make notes.  I can’t remember anything anymore.

Rick came back and starting finding his friends.  Tyler has been over a couple of times.  On Tuesday, he spent the day with his girlfriend, Jordyn.  I didn’t see him, but I heard him return that night.  On Wednesday, he went kayaking with Tyler and Topher.  The brought Topher’s kayaks to our lake down the street.  When we got home from work, they were just returning with a load of pizzas and other food.  They then settled in the basement with the PS3.

Sascha is happy to have us back.  Today, she thought Rich and I were staying home.  She was playing around the living room with her toys.  When she realized we had coffee and were headed for the door, she put up her ears and questioned the sanity of that action.  Not sane, but necessary to pay for dog chow. 

I spent Sunday through Wednesday working on organizing and creating photo files so that I could share our vacation with everyone.  The last set were posted and ready for viewing by 10:00 PM on Wednesday.  I sent out an email to family and friends.  Another email went out today to my co-workers and work friends who might be interested.

If you are interested, you can view the Zurek Family Vacation to California at:

So I need to start thinking about what I want to do next year and starting making a plan on how to do that.  Rich mentioned Glacier National Park in Montana since we go every 10 years and next year we are due.  I wanted to do Great Smoky Mountains and Outer Banks.  Now I’m thinking maybe a bunch of little vacations to places around that I can reach within a day.  This could also be the year to visit John up in Alaska.  We’ll see what I come up with.

My garden didn’t do too badly.  Most of the plants are still alive.  We’ve not had much rain and I’m watering things to keep them up and off the ground.  This weekend has a good chance.  But it’s supposed to be hot as well. 

Well, I can actually do something I want tonight and sit at the computer.  So I’m going to do just that.  Good night.

4 responses to “Back in the saddle again”

  1. I finished looking at all your pictures today. Looks like an awesome trip! Makes me excited for when the kids are old enough for a long road trip. Why don’t you have any pictures of Fran’s place or of your dinner with Claudine? I’m curious about Fran’s house and the area after hearing about it from Busia.

    • You know, I took my camera to Fran’s house and totally forgot to take pictures. We were talking too much! Maybe it was the wine. My camera was dead when we met with Claudine and the guys didn’t want to carry their cameras. I didn’t really think about it either. We were talking too much. Claudine looks like her pictures on Facebook and her blog. She reminds me so much of you. Sorry that my excuse!

  2. I think you should go to Texas on one of your trips! You don’t even need a hotel. I know some awesome people who would love to host you! And they have a resort-ish type backyard!